Emily C. Ruiz Emily C. Ruiz is a producer for the show "Todays Verdict" with David Lesch. Todays Verdict is a program that gives New Yorkers information regarding their legal rights. The show also talks about key topics on a national and local events. This legal show aires on Bronxnet on channel 67, Tuesday at 6:30p.m. https://twitter.com/EmilyRuizOnline https://www.facebook.com/TodaysVerdict MUA on set is Suheli Serrano. She is the one that put the shoot together. We have worked together on many shoots and you can view some of the work under the label. "Makeup by Suheli" https://www.facebook.com/pages/Makeup-By-Suheli/133797800060007 http://www.makeupbysuheli.blogspot.com
Digital Photography